Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Closet Office Project

My friend Jen posted a link to a "closet office" a few weeks ago and I was immediately inspired! I had been feeling kind of guilty about using an entire room for an office that was used for "work" only 10 hours a week and have also really wanting to have a guest bedroom (we lost our old guest room when we decided to have kids!). So, Jen provided us with the perfect solution! Bobby didn't take a whole lot of convincing, which isn't usually the case :), so we decided to change the office to a guest bedroom and part of our closet into an office! (apologies for the poor photo quality...)

We have a large closet (4 standard doors that fill up an entire wall of our bedroom) and really not a whole lot of clothes to fill it up.

The middle section had been used primarily as a linen closet and storage of a few other random items.

It was actually a pretty quick/easy project to make the transformation.
1. Found alternate storage for the linens (got under-the-bed storage bins)
2. Removed the clothing bars
3. Added an outlet 
4. Dropped the supports for the middle shelf down to desk height
5. Cut a deeper piece of wood for the desk
6. Put a grommet in the desk for cords
7. Painted the wood and wall with paint we already had on hand
8. Organized (and threw out :) existing office stuff to largely downsize in square-footage
9. Purchased a new lamp, new chair (I had always used a folding chair in the old office :), a few storage drawers, and scrapbook paper for decorating

Voila! So excited about my new space and the fact that we now have a place, besides our couch, for our guests to sleep!

Though it's not as cute as the closet that inspired us, it works for a not-so-crafty-nutrition-writer-type :)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Not-so-crafty-nutrition-writer-type:

    Your closet turned office looks AWESOME!!
